Online Coaching Options

  • Tier 1 " The Roadmap"

    My most basic coaching program. This is a Pre-made ( non custom) Coaching program that gives all the tools you need to begin your health and weight loss journey. This program Includes:

    • Workouts that will get as close to your workout situation i.e. gym, home, home gym or body weight only program. This includes access to my custom app, workout and calendar set up that is guided, meaning you sign in and it clearly lists your tasks for each day such as workouts, water goals, habits, workout and how to exercise videos. These specify how many reps and sets and are guided.

    • Suggested nutrition with recipe book that includes MY FITNESS PAL barcodes to help you reach your goals.

    • App tracks nutrition intake to make sure you are hitting targets.

    • Client resources Google drive

    • It is a self guided program that gives you all of the tools you need to embark on your health or weight loss journey.

    $40 monthly ( minimum of 2 months)

    $20 Program Design Fee

  • Tier 2 " Custom Coaching"

    My completely custom coaching program. This is a comprehensive coaching program that offers everything except in person one on one check ins and coaching. This program Includes:

    • Workouts that are personalized to you and your workout situation i.e. gym, home body weight or band, or home gym. This includes access to my custom app, workout and calendar set up that is guided, meaning you sign in and it clearly lists your tasks for each day such as workouts, water goals, habits, workout and how to exercise videos. These specify how many reps and sets and are guided.

    • Initial Zoom , face to face consultation covering biofeedback, labs ( blood work) nutrition and lifestyle and anything health related that pertains to your journey.

    • Personalized nutrition, macros and meal planning and recipe book that includes MY FITNESS PAL barcodes to help you reach your goals.

    • App tracks nutrition intake to make sure you are hitting targets.

    • Client resources Google drive

    • Bi- Weekly email check- ins that help troubleshoot areas of concern or to adjust nutrition or fitness needs.

    • Unlimited Instant messaging with me during working hours M-F 6:30 am to 6:30 pm pst

    • Discounted in person via zoom consultations and life coaching ( $45 per session, usually $75-175)

    • Much More

    $225 monthly ( minimum of 2 months)

    $75 Program Design Fee

  • Tier 3 " Comprehensive Plus"

    My completely custom coaching program. This is a comprehensive coaching program that offers everything including in person one on one check ins and life coaching.

    This program Includes:

    • Workouts that are personalized to you and your workout situation i.e. gym, home body weight or band, or home gym. This includes access to my custom app, workout and calendar set up that is guided, meaning you sign in and it clearly lists your tasks for each day such as workouts, water goals, habits, workout and how to exercise videos. These specify how many reps and sets and are guided.

    • Initial Zoom , face to face consultation covering biofeedback, labs ( blood work) nutrition and lifestyle and anything health related that pertains to your journey.

    • Personalized nutrition, macros and meal planning and recipe book that includes MY FITNESS PAL barcodes to help you reach your goals.

    • App tracks nutrition intake to make sure you are hitting targets.

    • Client resources Google drive

    • Bi- Weekly Zoom In person check- ins that help troubleshoot areas of concern, to adjust nutrition or fitness needs and life coaching and accountability and skills development.

    • Unlimited Instant messaging with me during working hours M-F 6:30 am to 6:30 pm pst

    • Much More

    $300 monthly ( minimum of 2 months)

    $75 Program Design Fee